Pastries and Politics in Ballantyne!


It was quite a line-up of our public officials at the annual meeting of the “priorities” breakfast at the annual Ballantyne Breakfast Club, held at the Ballantyne Hotel & Spa, Saturday, February 12, 2011. From State Senator Bob Rucho to City Council member, Edwin Peacock, officials stood up and stated their “priorities” for Charlotte and Ballantyne.

Ric Killian

The surprise announcement was Bob Rucho announcing the widening of the southern stretch of I-485 being moved up to June 2012 from October 2013. This was good news to Ballantyne residents who say the interstate was out-dated from the day it opened with stop and go traffic at rush hour. State Representative Ric Killian listed one of his priorities was founding a homeless shelter in Raleigh for vets andalso he wants to raise money to build roads.

Edwin Peacock

Local City Council membersPendergraph &Cogdell stated their priorities were 0% tax increase with Peacock adding his priorities were public safety, economic development and improving transportation.

And our brave firemen, police officers and deputies were represented. Fire Chief, Jon Hannan, stated that he is proud of the response time from phone call to the firehouse to the fire truck arriving to the home is within 6 minutes with 4 firefighters and another 2 engines and additional 9 firefighters within 9 minutes. That was quite impressive!

Harold Cogdell

Harry Jones, county manager stated his top priority was paying down the debt service. Jennifer Roberts, the Meckelenburg County Chair, was noticeably absent and no explanation was announced as to why she did not attend as advertised.

Most of these public officials stayed after their speeches to answer questions one-on-one. It was great to see them taking the time todiscuss issues important to the members of the Ballantyne Community!

Sheriff Chip Bailey

And….that’s all the Buzz for now!

By | 2011-07-06T13:10:55+00:00 February 14th, 2011|Ballantyne And Beyond|