Fort Mill Schools – Some of the Best in Charlotte Metro

Educational Report: Best Schools in the U.S.: Online real estate brokerage ZipRealty says Fort Mill schools are the best in the area. Analyzing the best-rated public school district in 23 areas nationwide, as well as the median price per square foot of real estate in each area, Fort Mill ranked high on the list. Here areZipRealty‘s Top 10 Places for Parents to Live FullSizeRender (1)across the country:

  1. Minneapolis, Dealano Public School District: 9.2, $101
  2. Charlotte, Fort Mill School District: 9.1, $102 (
  3. Dallas, Lovejoy Independent School District: 9.1, $114
  4. Chicago, St. Charles C.U.S.D. 303: 9.0, $122
  5. Boston, Harvard Public Schools: 9.1, $179
  6. Portland, Lake Oswego School District: 9.8, $192
  7. NYC/Long Island Nanuet Union Free School District: 9.0, $199
  8. Austin, Eanes Independent School District: 9.1, $237
  9. Orange County (Calif.) Los Alamitos Unified School District: 9.2, $321
  10. Seattle, Mercer Island School District 400: 9.1, $344

So South Charlotte and York County parents, y’all are in luck! Looks like this part of the Charlotte metro area is a perfect place to raise your family.


By | 2014-12-05T20:59:43+00:00 December 5th, 2014|Charlotte Schools, CMS, Fort Mill, Fort Mill Homes for Sale, York County|